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Disconnection From Yourself (otherwise known as "The Unedited Transcript of a Fucked Up New Game Plus Run") is an AU of SHIPWRECKED 64 made by GagePatoine.


The story of Disconnection From Yourself revolves around a modified New Game+ run of the 1997 version of Shipwrecked.

The modifications show mere immediately; as Gage is somehow a fully playable tagalong character to accompany Bucky across his re-adventure.

Bucky himself, however, has not forgotten what happened, dreading to go back to Layer 3. Gage, obviously, is completely oblivious to this fact; having just been put into the game with no context as to what happened in the past run.

As the run progresses, Gage finds more and more about why Bucky has been like how he is, becoming more and more protective of Bucky as time goes on, especially against Brandon Lester, who is somehow also aware of the past run. Brandon had set out to kill Bucky, for good. How would he do this?

By mentally destroying him. Making Bucky see things. Getting into his head and shaking him until he can't take it anymore.

Also, at some point, the other 3 characters catch wind of the situation, and begin helping Gage. For some reason.

I don't fucking know. It's MY edgy AU, and I choose what to do with it!!!! >:( /hj


"I'm here for you. Every step of the way." -Gage, probably

Gage is the main protagonist to Disconnection From Yourself.


Gage appears kind, yet brute. He's a "no bullshit" kind of dude, overprotective of his friends and can have outbursts that he... Somewhat can control.

He can comfort people when needed, but sometimes the only thing he can care about is really himself.


Gage is a 6ft "human" with dark crimson hair and two floating ahoges, sporting a red shirt with faded blue pants, and a bandanna connected to the tail of a scarf. His shoes are overly simplistic, colored an extremely dark blue.

Unlike (mostly) every other character, Gage's eyes do not look human in the slightest, instead simply being lines as pupils. Despite this, they work like normal eyes would, and can turn into normal eyes when an emotion is exaggerated.

"Get out of my head. PLEASE, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" -Bucky, probably

Bucky is the secondary main protagonist to Disconnection From Yourself.


He's the same as he "always" was. Kind and upbeat as a facade, but depressed, and unstable on the inside. He has outbursts he can't control, and he always sees himself as a complete failure, even to his family and friends.

That's not to say he doesn't have his high points, however.


Bucky is a beaver (duh) with a wide build, coming up to around 5'6. He wears a sailor's hat and vest.

Unlike the original Bucky, and like all of the other characters, he appears stylized, having visible fur tufts.

In his render, he holds a paper in his hand. Assumingly a note sheet.


"I'll do what it takes to help my boyfriend, no matter if it needs sacrificial means or not!!" -Olive, probably

Olive is the first deuteragonist to Disconnection From Yourself.


Olive appears to be the only sane person in the friend group. She's sweet, loving, knows what's best, and is pretty level headed, albeit oblivious and unknowing at times, and even clumsy.

If it wasn't obvious, Olive loves Bucky and vice versa, which is why she's so willing to assist Gage in his plan to take Brandon down.


Olive is an otter with a red and white swimsuit.

Unlike the original Olive, and like all of the other characters, she appears stylized, having visible fur tufts.

In her render, she has a coconut at her side.

"I'm so sorry... I really am..." -Walter, probably

Walter is the second deuteragonist to Disconnection From Yourself.


Walter is a shy walrus sailor with a(n albeit broken) heart of gold and a will to help the others around him.

Like Bucky, Walter appears to have a complex of his own, thinking he's probably not even good enough to be anyone's brother or family member. Olive, the sweetheart she is, always manages to get him out of those thoughts... most of the time.


Walter is a walrus with a wide build like his brother. He wears boots and a beach shirt with blue flowers, and (assumingly) a captain's hat.

Unlike the original Walter, and like all of the other characters, he appears stylized, somehow having visible fur tufts, with arm and chest hair.

In his render, he holds his hat to his chest.

"You know, you're growing to be quite the pest to my superiority." -Giovanni, probably

Giovanni is the third deuteragonist to Disconnection From Yourself.


Giovanni is an egotistical goose chef with a drive to belittle people and be the best out of his "friend" group, having rude outbursts like Bucky, but not apologizing.

He is especially rude to Bucky and Walter (and sometimes Gage), to which Olive mostly manages to shut down immediately.




Here is various official one-off/oneshot stories written for Disconnection From Yourself.

