"I like pizza pepperoni... Mozzarella and anchovies... I like pizza with salami... And some cheese and oregano..." - Trip singing 'We Like Pizza' by the Pizza Kids to annoy Bucky Beaver
Keitton Trip is a Monochrome Goat who explores Shipwrecked 64 and HI-09 in Bucky Beaver and Howlz's stead, generally trying unorthadox methods to locate things that aren't accessible to either.
Physical Appearance[]
Trip has an identical physical build to Bucky Beaver. He is entirely white with the only exception to this being his clothes, eyes and mouth. He has a single horn on the left side of his head and a scar on the right. The scar was caused by falling onto an umbrella on Nulla Terra's beach.[1] He wears a Dark grey sleeveless vest and his face is permanently frozen in a smug Smile
Trip is a Jokester. Despite the situation he seems to consistently make some sort of joke or struggle to take things entirely seriously. He is also incredibly persistent, even resorting to repeating a task for hours on end hoping for a different response. While he is curious and will try and get everything he can out of a conversation, he also tends to float off a little, talking to himself like there's other people with him.
Trip was designed by Private Investigator Michael Roune and his son Lucas Roune, A programmer based in New York. Michael designed the character of Keitton Trip while Lucas created the logic and even created a digital version of a Nintendo 64 edition of the SEGA Lock-On Technology for the Mega Drive to run in the Shipwrecked 64 copy that was released online.[2]
Shipwrecked 64[]
Trip pretty much did a 1:1 recreation of what Bucky Beaver would have done in Shipwrecked 64, with the one addition of early on, meeting an Early pathing AI that seemed to have an Alcohol problem called Benson A. They eventually grouped together and continued through the game, allowing Keitton to not have to use the barrels nearly as much as he was masked by Benson's dweller appearance.[3]
Hotel Investigation 09[]
Trip eventually ended up in the hotel, learning his decent photography abilities and the location of bucky beaver. He then began to play 'We Like Pizza' by the Pizza Kids in an attempt to get bucky to finally leave the room he's in. He continues to do this weekly.[4]